sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Webquest (práctica) original

Literature I - Narrative Genre

Characteristics of the narrative genre

Teacher: Verónica Rodríguez Struck
Bicultural High School
UVM - Querétaro




Among the literary genres, the narrative one tells a story, but not only that, it might also teach a virtue, criticize a vice, explain some phenomena or rule all your actual behavior. Let’s find out how does it do all this, and what other things you can learn.



You will surf the web to answer the following questions:

a. What are the literary genres?

b. Which are the general characteristics of the narrative genre has? Describe them.

c. What characteristics define the following subgenres?

d. Write 4 examples of each subgenre.

e. What other narrative subgenres exist (5)

4. Process.


a. Form teams of 4 members

b. Each one will choose a question

c. Each one will answer the question and write it down in the chart provided

d. Each one must read and understand the information of the complete chart

5. Resources


a. You must bring your Ipad to class

b. investigate in the following pages:

c. Answer the questions in the chart provided.

d. Discuss  the difficulties, additional contents found in the sites provided and state them in the comments

Additional authorized references: Books titled Literatura I, enfoque por competencias, 2011, 2012 or 2013.

6. Evaluation.


a. You must fill in the chart completely
b. The questions must be answered correctly, according to the sites proposed
c. Spelling and grammar must be correct
d. Each box of the chart must indicate the reference to the resource where you found it
e. You shall not consult additional material/sites

7. Conclusions.


Once you have this chart completely filled in, you will have the reference information to differentiate all the texts that we will be reading this semester, so make sure you get them right.


1. What is the narrative genre?

2. Which are the general characteristics of the narrative genre? Describe them

3. What characteristics define the following subgenres? Between 3 and 7)

4. Write 4 examples of each subgenre


5. What other narrative subgenres exist (5):

Why did you choose these 5 additional subgenres:

What difficulties did you find researching and answering the questions?

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